Changes in the Probability of Nuclear Decays

A Study on the Possibility of Initiating Tungsten Alpha Decay Using Electric Explosion

Urutskoev L. I., Filippov D. V., Voitenko D. A., Astapenko G. I., Birykov A. O., Markoliya A. A. and Alabin K. A.

J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci., 2017. v. 23, p. 1–26

Study of the Spectral Composition of Optical Radiation during Electrical Explosion of a Tungsten Wire

Urutskoev L. I., Rukhadze A. A., Filippov D. V., Biryukov A. O., Shpakovskii T. V., Steshenko G. K., Markoliya A. A., Alabin K. A., Levanov A. A., and Belous P. V.

Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, 2012, Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 199–203

Detection of Abnormal Quantity of Hydrogen upon Electrical Explosion of Titanium Foil in a Liquid

Urutskoev L. I., Filippov D. V., Rukhadze A. A., Lebedev L. A.

J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci., 2011. v. 4, p. 106–118

Research of a Gas Phase under Electrical Explosion of the Titan Foil in Liquid

Urutskoev L. I., Filippov D. V., Rukhadze A. A., Bystrov V. P., Dontsov Yu. P., Parbuzin V. S., Steblevsky A. V.

Z. Naturforsch., 2010, v. 65a, №6/7, p. 573–590

Regulating the Nuclear Reactor through Changes of the Fraction of Delayed Neutrons: Theoretical Probabilities

Filippov D. V., Urutskoev L. I., Rachkov V. I., Gadzaova O. I., Lebedev L. A.

J. Mod. Phys, 2010, v. 1, №6, p. 379–384

Study of the Electric Explosion of Titanium Foils in Uranium Salts

Urutskoev L. I., Filippov D. V.

J. Mod. Phys, 2010, v. 1, №4, p. 226–235

Consideration of the Theoretical Possibility of Regulating the Nuclear Reactor by Changing a Fraction of Delayed Neutrons

Filippov D. V., Urutskoev L. I., Rachkov V. I., Gadzaova O. E., and Lebedev L. A.

Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2010, v. 73, №1, p. 59–63

Increase in the Probability of Forbidden Electron Beta Decays in a Superstrong Magnetic Field

Filippov D. V.

Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2007, v. 70, №12, p. 2016–2024

Decrease in the Probability of Tritium Decay in an External Electric Field

Filippov D. V.

Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2007, v. 70, №11, p. 1840–1845

Increase in the Probability of Allowed Electron Beta Decays in a Superstrong Magnetic Field

Filippov D. V.

Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2007, v. 70, №2, p. 258–264

On the possible magnetic mechanism of shortening the runaway of RBMK-1000 reactor at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Filippov D. V., Urutskoev L. I., Lochak G., Rukhadze A. A.

in: Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Ed. J. P. Biberian, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2006, p. 838–853

Effects of atomic electrons on nuclear stability and radioactive decay

Filippov D. V., Urutskoev L. I.,Rukhadze A. A.

in: Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Ed. J. P. Biberian, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2006, p. 806–817

Effect of Beta Decay to Bound States in Ionized Atoms on the Fraction of Delayed Neutrons

Rukhadze A. A., Urutskoev L. I., Filippov D. V.

Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2006, v. 69, №5, p. 792–795

Effects of atomic electrons on nuclear stability and radioactive decay

Filippov D. V., Rukhadze A. A., Urutskoev L. I.

Ann. Fond. L. de Broglie, 2004, v. 29, Hors Serie 3, p. 1207–1217

On the possibility of nuclear transformation in low-temperature plasma from the viewpoint of conservation laws

Filippov D. V., Urutskoev L. I.

Ann. Fond. L. de Broglie, 2004,. v. 29, Hors Serie 3, p. 1187–1205

Beta-Stability condition for the nuclei of neutral atoms

Urutskoev L. I., Filippov D. V.

Physics-Uspekhi, 2004, v. 47, №12, p. 1257–1260